Guess where Spectacles are going on sale next and win some TechCrunch swag

We’re four days into the launch of Snapchat Spectacles and the hype has shown no signs of letting up.

Snapchat has deployed its vending machine Bot in two different locations so far – Venice Beach in Los Angeles and a small bakery in Big Sur, California. Both locations were announced at 7AM local time, at which point it was a mad rush to get in line – hundreds of people drove to Big Sur as soon as Snapchat announced the location on their website.

Anyways, Snapchat’s 24-hour counter has started again, this time counting down to tomorrow morning at 5am PT (which is 7am CT and 8am ET).

Here at TechCrunch we’ve been trying to figure out where it will go next (my guess is Texas), and decided to do a quick contest so all of you could guess along with us.

Here are the rules:

Post your guess in the form below. You should be as specific as possible – for example, if someone guesses Houston Street in SoHo and that’s where the Bot shows up, they would obviously win over someone who just guessed NYC. If there’s a tie we’ll randomize everyone who guessed correctly to pick a winner.

So what are the prizes you ask?

Unfortunately Spectacles themselves are impossible to get and currently retailing on secondary markets for the price of a small car. So we can’t give you those. But we will give you TechCrunch swag like a T-shirt, water bottle, stickers and other surprises!

If you’re lucky we’ll even throw in some plastic sunglasses from startups that we’ve amassed in the office over the years, so you can at least pretend you’re wearing Spectacles.

The survey is embedded below, and you can also access it here. The contest will end at 7am CT tomorrow (November 15th), which is when Snapchat will reveal the location on their website.


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