Indiegogo has launched a number of collections to help keep your shopping on message. Or on massage. We’re not sure.
Indiegogo is going a long way toward making crowdfunding sexy again. The After Dark collection includes a series of Indemand products currently raising funds. Whether you like sticking your private parts in things, or sticking things in your private parts, Indiegogo’s got your back. And your front, for that matter.

The After Dark collection includes toys for boys and toys for girls that all have something in common: they made the journey to market through the power of the cash in the crowd’s pockets.
It makes for interesting browsing for those of us who think robots building cars is interesting and all, but that it’s clearly time for the ‘bots to see to some of our, ahem, other needs, as well — even if very good sexbots might bring on the end of the human race.
Of course, Indiegogo’s collections aren’t just about the physical interactions between moist, hard and squishy — there are a number of other collections available too, including gaming, outdoor and survival, socially responsible products and, my personal favorite (after the naughty tech, of course), camera gadgets. Interestingly, the After Dark collection isn’t listed among the site’s collections. Bit shy, there, Indiegogo?
For someone who’s a big fan of crowdfunding, the collections makes for a fantastic trip down memory lane. Despite some of the disaster stories floating about, Collections is a great reminder that crowdfunding campaigns are bringing a load of new products to market and sparking a huge number of exciting new companies into existence.