Durex’s New Long-Distance Sexy Time Fundawear Is Exactly That

The thought of buying underwear from the same company that makes your condoms might sound shocking at first. But don’t be so quick to judge, especially where sex is concerned, as Durex has just announced its latest innovation. Fundawear.

Fundawear represents the condom company’s first foray into the land of connected devices, and the name explains quite well how it works. You put on special (read: vibrating) underwear that connect to a smartphone app. You can control the vibrations yourself with a smartphone as a remote, or pair the panties with your partner’s smartphone, so they can control the fun.

Of course, this isn’t the first time that long-distance sexy time has been explored by the tech community. There are a whole host of startups, as well as established sex toy brands, that are working to connect people digitally and physically at the same time.

There’s the LovePalz duo kit, which seems to be the most intense of all, with parts for both the male and female to simulate sex across long distances and still feel each other’s movements in real time. Vibease, along with various offerings from Ohmibod, come to mind, as well.

However, this is the first time we’ve seen a condom company throw their hat in the ring, which means that a lot of R&D and resources went into the Fundawear. You know, along with careful consideration over the name.

Fundawear comes in both male and female versions, so you fellas don’t have to be worried about a one-size-fits-all kind of situation.

The Fundawear undies and app companion aren’t available just yet, but frisky explorers interested in joining the testing program can head over to Durex’s Australian Facebook page.

Warning: The following video is kind of sort of NSFW.

[via BetaBeat]


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