The Big Bag Week Giveaway: An HP OfficeJet Printer, An HP Laptop, And, Obviously, A Bag

So I promised that Bag Week 2011 would be worth it. There were the naysayers, the no-no-never Nancies, the nattering nabobs of negativism, and the like but you stuck through Bag Week 2011 and now it’s nearly over. But before we go, we want to offer one final parting gift to you all – everyone except Adrian Scott, that is. Mr. Scott wrote, and I quote:

Worst. Techcrunch. Coverage/Idea. Ever… Please put this on another site… What’s next, soda reviews? Or how about articles about rare medical conditions and asbestos (for the adsense revenue).

While I admit we only do this for the millions it brings us in Adsense revenue (bag makers are rich, FYI), we also do this because people who use computers and read this site like to put those computers into bags when they transport them. Rather than pepper the site with bag reviews, we picked some of our favorites and wrote them up. If that’s wrong, then I don’t want to be right, Mr. Scott.

Anyway, here’s what everyone except Adrian Scott (unless he apologizes publicly) can win from Office Depot, the folks generously donating this final prize:

That’s right: essentially a whole home office/Bernie Madoff kit for you and yours. In addition to the bag, Office Depot is throwing in a brand new OfficeJet printer, a really nice laptop, and a shredder. Why a shredder? Heck if I know.

They wanted us to talk up the printer so here you go:

· Printing from mobile devices via HP ePrint, which allows the user to print from virtually anywhere using any email enabled device
· Printing, faxing, scanning, copying and web functionalities
· Built-in wireless
· A color touchscreen display
· Web-connected printing with business apps
· Automatic two-siding printing

Amazing, no? To win, comment below describing your ultimate bag, sac, purse, murse, rucksack, or container. Be descriptive. I’ll pick a winner randomly on Monday and, provided you’re not Adrian Scott, happy Bag Week 2011 and to all a good night.

UPDATE – The winner is Chris Miller.


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