SoonR: Use Skype on Your Cell Phone

Silicon Valley based SoonR has a beta product that allows users to access applications and files on their Windows computer via their cell phone (no Mac support yet, but its coming). If your cell phone is web enabled, you can use SoonR to access Outlook, pictures and other files and applications on your PC. MobileCrunch reviewed SoonR back in March when it first went into Beta.

On Thursday SoonR will be announcing Soonr Talk, which will allow Skype calls to be made from a standard cell phone. It will work through SoonR’s basic product – access Skype on your home PC through your browser and initiate a call with a contact or contacts. SoonR will then call your cell phone from that PC (using Skype Out credits), and call the contacts via normal skype calling. Co-founder and VP Marketing Song Huang showed me the product in action and set up a call with a few key strokes on his cell. It works great.

SoonR is free, and will be launching premium services in the future (such as a feature that allows SoonR to work even if your PC is powered down – SoonR will cache the data you want to be able to access).

As soon as they have a Mac version of SoonR, I’m in. More screen shots here.


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